Solar panels and systems For Australian homes and businesses

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Solar panels and systems For Australian homes and businesses

Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems more commonly known as solar panels, can capture Australian sunlight and convert it into valuable electricity for Australian homes and business. The great thing about solar panels is they reduce the amount of electricity you need from the grid, in turn lowering your dependency and costs for energy. The average home in Sydney can expect to save around $900 a year on their electricity bill simply by installing a 4-kilowatt solar system for their home. With solar technology constantly improving and becoming cheaper itโ€™s becoming a serious options for more homeownersโ€“ consider, the average 4 KW solar panel system can be paid off in less than five years due lower energy bills.

The average home in Sydney can expect to save around $900 a year on their electricity bill simply by installing a 4-kilowatt solar system

Once your solar installation is completed, a net meter (or smart meter) will be installed for your property. The net meter sends energy sends electricity directly to your household or business first with any unused electricity fed back into the main grid.

There are a lot of benefits and costs to solar PV and you should research your options or call us to learn more about your benefits.

The benefits of Solar PV

Solar has numinous benefits both environmental and economic, including:

โ€ข Lowering electricity bills for both home and business
โ€ข Reducing your carbon footprint for both home and business
โ€ข Potential financial incentives from your retail energy provider.

While some people simply want to install as many solar panels as they can fit on their home or business the most cost-effective approach is to consider a system size that best suits your personal needs.

Net Meters: How they can reduce your electricity bill

Net meters allow you to consume all the energy your solar system generates while also allowing you draw any remaining energy you may need from the grid. If you end up generating more electricity than you need, the remaining electricity is sent back to the grid. The good news is energy retailers offer to pay you for your surplus energy giving you further savings. While you wonโ€™t see this benefit on your electricity bill as a line item. The real benefit is reduced electricity consumption to the bottom line.
Be mindful that at times you wonโ€™t necessarily offset your entire bill with a solar panel system. This can occur for number of reasons, influencing how much you save, these including the following:

โ€ข The solar system itself, itโ€™s size, quality and site
โ€ข Electricity usage, amount of electricity consumed, and time of use
โ€ข The weather plays a role too
โ€ข Incentive, what your energy retailer is willing to pay

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